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2 Months & Connecticut Visit

I'm really late to the game here. Blog slacking. Honestly, my time is going to my baby girl... and taking my time to care for her is more important than cutting into that time to write it all down. I'm still dedicated to stopping by here with some very limited free time and getting it all out when I can.

She is two months now. Her personality is definitely developing. She started socially smiling right before we took the trip up to Connecticut to visit family and friends. Right after we came back, Daddy Chris worked with her to make certain sounds and he has her squealing and saying "ahhh". He is so good with her! I think he's really starting to enjoy spending time with her now that she can interact back. Here's a favorite video of mine - I'm reading one of her favorite books that Auntie Marsha and Uncle Danny gave her:

We also took a LONG drive up to Connecticut. It was absolutely wonderful to see everyone and visit. I was exhausted by the end of the trip and made me appreciate having Chris as a father/caregiver. I have no clue how people function while taking care of a baby all on their own!

She also had her Pediatrician visit and he said she is moving like a 4 month old! She is growing perfectly and proportionally on the same 50 percentile (which is more important and what they look for). She weights about 11.5 lbs (probably more now). 

She loves books and has especially taken a liking to one Arianna donated to us - it's a crinkle book made of cloth and each page has a sensory feel to it (like a smooth glittery butterfly or a soft fluffy lamb). She has figured out "bedtime" and fights it like clockwork right around 7pm. We've had to start being a little sly about it (changing who puts her down in the crib) feeding her in the living room first, removing the book right before bed... none of it really has worked well... she just knows it's "time to be down for the night" and fights it. I read this is normal and I'm not too worried about it. She eventually tires herself out and falls asleep. 


  1. Cynthia had a "witching hour" around 7 pm too at this stage!


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