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17 Weeks - Please welcome...

Please welcome... Zoey Kathleen Rojek!

Yes, it's a girl!!! My gut feeling was correct. Everyone is thrilled.

We did a wonderful dinner at Chima with the Rojek family. The lovely, babcia (she requests this as her nickname for her great grandbaby) is down here to stay! My mother-in -law picked out Grandma for her nickname. Me? Just call me Mom. Wow, that's so strange to say. I'll have to get used to that one.

Grandma (MIL Christine) set up a wonderful reveal with a box and a balloon and a cute little poem to say:

Our Little Miracle
Precious baby
Tiny Treasure 
You bring to us
Joy beyond measure. 

We stroke your cheek,
Feel your face
And pull you into
A loving embrace.

You laugh outloud
And giggle a while
You bring to our faces
Grins and Smiles.

You shed a tear
We wipe it away
And thank Jesus for you
Every day.

What a blessing
You have been
You changed our life
And made it begin.

It was so sweet and reading it over again makes everything so real. I can't wait to meet you, little Zoey. 

We got a few shirts for Chris, the new DAD... gotta get used to that one too! I will attach some of the pictures below.

On another note, I can't believe it's about a MONTH until I go back to CT to visit everyone. I am beside myself with excitement! I miss my family so much, you never really know how much you miss people until you are far from them. While being so close to them, i definitely took that for granted. And my friends! Ugh, I haven't found ANYONE as amazing as my friends from Connecticut (and NY... looking at you Arianna!) I wish I could transplant my family and friends closer to me and my new family down here. However, it has made me appreciate all of them that much more!

Without further ado... pictures from the reveal dinner:


  1. How incredibly exciting!
    You're surrounded with happy love. The poem is so lovely.
    The best to you and your family.
    Love and hello to all.


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