I woke the morning of my birthday, May 12th (ironically also Mother's Day) around 3 am and passed a blood clot the size of my palm. I was 100% sure I'd had a miscarriage. I went back to sleep and when I woke, I spoke with Chris and we both decided we should go to the ER. Long story short... A small miracle but the baby was in there and doing fine. Heartbeat and all! ❤️ Best birthday/mother's day gift.
It's catch up time again! Why has it been so long? Well, we moved! I am completely exhausted. probably not the best time to move... being pregnant and all... but it made so much sense. We moved out of our fancy 1 bedroom in Charlotte, NC (with the granite counters, hardwood, fancy water/ice dispenser fridge, etc) and into a 2 bedroom in Lake Wylie, SC (with less upgrades but more room and privacy). This place is only 15 minutes from our old place in Charlotte and is on the 1st floor - perfect for taking out 2 dogs and hauling around a newborn baby. It had a wonderful view of the lake and woods from our back porch and having 2 bathrooms is key when pregnant and kicking your husband out of his "man cave" (a.k.a. bathroom) when you have a baby sitting on your bladder 24/7. I'm also really excited to have a place for Zoey, her own nursery/bedroom that we can decorate and make special for her. My nesting is kicking in full time and I've been non-stop unpacking and putt...
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