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3 Months & COVID-19

The world is chaotic right now... just in time for little Miss Zoey Bear to turn 3 months! It's flying by. Right now she is finding her hands, munching on them, starting to hold onto things and loves to play with her soft books (mostly chew on them). Interacting with her is SO much fun and there is nothing better than to see her smile at you. Chris always melts when she smiles at him, he knows he is in for it!

Right now we are in the middle of a new pandemic called COVID-19 (corona virus) and the country is being told to stay away from groups of 10 or more (some parts of the country - like New York - are told to stay indoors except for essentials). It's a strange world out there right now. Luckily, nothing much has changed over here since I am working from home and we barely were going out much anyways (with baby and all). I went to the grocery store to stock up on some food and the aisles were bare... No meats, paper goods, rice, canned goods and very little pasta among other things. I got some pre-cooked kielbasa, bacon and pre-cooked ham (looks like pork is America's least favorite meat??) I'm also one of those that buys the giant 24 pack of toilet paper and I have like 11 rolls left which should last us pretty well. Oh yeah, there is a HUGE toilet paper shortage which is causing shortages in napkins, baby wipes and paper towels (basically anything to wipe your butt with lol). I'd imagine people are going to messing up their septics using baby wipes - maybe I can convince my boss to start handling some residential plumbing jobs if we slow down too much, haha.

Another thing I've noticed is that people are having a hard time getting formula... this got me thinking to how I would feel if I had not persevered with pumping and had to rely on it to feed my child. I feel lucky that I am able to produce enough for her with a huge freezer surplus and I don't have to worry about her going hungry. I feel so bad for those mothers I see (in the baby forums and online) calling out to try and find the formula they need. I am on the fence about this.. but I'm thinking of maybe donating some of my freezer stash to those in need if this keeps up. I read about a few places online that will take donations but I want to make sure they truly GIVE the milk to mothers and not sell it to them. I have to take inventory though because Zoey is my first priority and she needs to have enough in case I get sick and start to loose production of my milk. It truly is amazing that I can produce everything she needs to stay alive. Marsha once told me "you're her one stop grocery store" and I really liked that idea. :)

I have also started to box up her clothes she no longer fits into (this is bitter sweet). Most of the stuff she hardly wore and a lot of it she never wore since it was mostly cold and the clothes were meant for hot weather. I have a few people who just had babies or will be having babies and will reach out to them to pass it along... just like my two besties did for me (thanks Arianna & Marsha). I'll probably have to start buying her some clothes for 6 months to a year since most of the things I got from the shower were for 6 months and under. I'm excited to pick out a few things that are my style for her... she has mostly been dressed by others (and I totally DON'T mind that!!) but it'll be nice to have her see what Momma had picked out for her to wear. I'm sure she will look back and still think I picked out ugly stuff (as all kids think about their clothes from when they were a baby, lol).

We will be staying in (as usual) and hopefully we don't catch this COVID-19 virus... being sick and taking care of a sick baby is THE WORST. I worry mostly about my Grandparents and my Mother in Connecticut, I know NYC is the epicenter and CT is getting quite a few cases. I'm also not really sure if visiting Connecticut in May is going to work out (too soon to tell but according to experts... this could be around through July or August). I don't think I could quite forgive myself if we traveled through multiple states, picked up this virus or became a carrier and brought it into the house of my elderly Grandparents or even my Mother with underlying health conditions. Yeah, probably not happening. Maybe I can work out a visit in a few more months after this has all passed. I'm happy we did visit and everyone got to meet her already... it makes the decision for visiting in May a little easier to swallow.

Love you all... and here is some fun videos and photos of our little Zo-Ro:

This last video below - wait until the very end - she starts making lots of coo noises and I caught it on the baby monitor. 


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