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21 Weeks - Kicking and Moving!

This week has been fun. For some reason I'm feeling her like crazy. She is kicking and moving and I even felt her kick from feeling my tummy on the outside (only once but it was unmistakable). I am hoping to get Chris to feel her before I leave for Connecticut. I think he'd be pretty disappointed if he wasn't the first. It's one of my favorite bits of being pregnant so far. She is most active when I'm sitting down (at the computer for work), watching TV or laying down in bed. I think she just likes it when I'm up and moving, maybe it lulls her to sleep?

I am counting down the days until my CT visit and also I've started packing for our move. I can't believe how many books I have! It doesn't look like a lot on the shelf but when you try and pack them... a different story.

What else? I've been working on trying to find the right pediatrician for Zoey... who knew you had to interview candidates?!? Why don't they do this for regular doctors, lol? It would make so much sense. I always hate having to find a new MD because it's all "word of mouth" or online ratings. Imagine if they treated it like they do for kids? "Yes, we are interested in going to your practice but want to find out your opinions and views on holistic health versus medication" etc... that would be priceless!

I've also started worrying about the delivery now. I can't shake this feeling that I'm going to need a C-Section and I honestly don't think I can be awake for it (which would suck only because I won't get to meet Zoey until I wake up). I don't know why I feel this way, maybe it's just a fear. My ideal situation would be epidural and PUSH! I just can't do the "awake and numb"... I'm pretty sure it would scar me. I'd rather go through with regular labor pain then be painless and know that someone behind that sheet is cutting my belly open... ugh... that makes me shiver and go cold thinking about it.

SO... sorry to end it with that.... maybe not the best thing to leave you with but I didn't have a super eventful week other than the kicks and movement. <<< best news and feeling ever. On the positive side... I can't wait to meet my little girl! Oh, and photo below is a perfect example of how "whale like" I am getting... my stomach, whew. It's really getting hard to shave in the stand up shower!


  1. Just read your blog, super exciting about the kicks. We'll it's real close to your begin ride to CT. You'll be leaving soon in about 7 hours. Be safe and see you Sunday! Can't wait!


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