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Showing posts from March, 2020

3 Months & COVID-19

The world is chaotic right now... just in time for little Miss Zoey Bear to turn 3 months! It's flying by. Right now she is finding her hands, munching on them, starting to hold onto things and loves to play with her soft books (mostly chew on them). Interacting with her is SO much fun and there is nothing better than to see her smile at you. Chris always melts when she smiles at him, he knows he is in for it! Right now we are in the middle of a new pandemic called COVID-19 (corona virus) and the country is being told to stay away from groups of 10 or more (some parts of the country - like New York - are told to stay indoors except for essentials). It's a strange world out there right now. Luckily, nothing much has changed over here since I am working from home and we barely were going out much anyways (with baby and all). I went to the grocery store to stock up on some food and the aisles were bare... No meats, paper goods, rice, canned goods and very little pasta among othe...

2 Months & Connecticut Visit

I'm really late to the game here. Blog slacking. Honestly, my time is going to my baby girl... and taking my time to care for her is more important than cutting into that time to write it all down. I'm still dedicated to stopping by here with some very limited free time and getting it all out when I can. She is two months now. Her personality is definitely developing. She started socially smiling right before we took the trip up to Connecticut to visit family and friends. Right after we came back, Daddy Chris worked with her to make certain sounds and he has her squealing and saying "ahhh". He is so good with her! I think he's really starting to enjoy spending time with her now that she can interact back. Here's a favorite video of mine - I'm reading one of her favorite books that Auntie Marsha and Uncle Danny gave her: We also took a LONG drive up to Connecticut. It was absolutely wonderful to see everyone and visit. I was exhausted by the e...