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Showing posts from December, 2019

It's Happening....

At ultrasound today and Zoey wasn't moving around like she should, got sent to labor and delivery for monitoring and even though she was looking great.... They decided it was time to start my induction. I'm now laying in the hospital bed, having contractions after my second dose of cryotec was given. This is supposed to soften my cervix, then I can get checked for dilation in a few hours. So yeah, this is happening. I'll try and keep this updated with my labor story as we go. Zoey will probably be here today (seeing as it's 3am) December 21st 2019. 12/21/19

Week 38 - Countdown Begins

Eeek, only 1 more week until Induction date! I can't believe it's coming up so quickly. I am so excited and terrified all at the same time. Part of me is like... "get her out, i'm sore, tired and want to be able to tie my shoes or sneeze without peeing myself!" but another part of me is like... "this means lack of sleep, crying nights and A LOT of work". All I have to do is remind myself that I get to see that little face, the one that's been keeping me company squirming in my belly all these months. She is almost here and ready to meet us. When I think about that, it brings me to tears and I know I am strong enough to handle it. Women have been doing this from the beginning of time and I am not so special. It's time to begin that next chapter, the one where I stop being so selfish and become a better person to raise this little human being who will need my love, guidance and care. I go in for my final Ultrasound today and I am seeing the midwi...

36 & 37 weeks - Let the countdown begin!

Ahhh... so much has happened. I can't believe I've been so negligent about the blog!! First thing is first... I have my induction date! We will be heading to the hospital 7 am on Friday, December 27th. I spoke with the doctor and nurse midwife and they confirmed that she could be born either the 27th or 28th depending on how far dilated I am that day. They checked me last Friday and he said I wasn't quite dilated yet but they will continue to monitor the next 2 weeks. If I go in and I am still not dilated, the plan is to give me a magic pill to soften things up, spend a long boring morning/afternoon in the hospital waiting and then they would start me on Pitocin (essentially Oxytocin to get contractions going) either that night or early the next morning. So... if all goes according to that plan, she will probably be born sometime Dec 28th - which is also my Mother-in-law's birthday!! She's excited to potentially share her birthday with her Grandbaby. However, ...