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Showing posts from November, 2019

35 weeks!

Less than 5 weeks to go. I don't have much of an update other than complaining about aches and pains... Which nobody wants to hear about. So, instead I'll share with you a story that only a pregnant woman could truly understand but pretty much anyone could laugh at. Feel free to laugh away, I did and every time I think back on this little episode, it makes me giggle. I was reading a book in Zoey's room on the rocker, drinking my coffee... All of a sudden the coffee goes down the wrong pipe and I end up spewing coffee everywhere and then pee myself because... You know, I'm choking. 😫😓😱 In the other room, Chris was cooking breakfast in the kitchen and kind of stuck (not wanting to burn the breakfast or our apartment down) and couldn't come help me. BUT here's the kicker... To top it all off... While I'm cleaning the glider/rocker (quickly) so the coffee doesn't stain (still sitting in my own piss), LINUS of all dogs decided to shit in the room up ...

34 Weeks... and counting...

Yep, I am about done with this. How is there about 5 weeks left?? (tomorrow i'll technically be 35 weeks). I am feeling SO LAZY! I can't seem to do mundane tasks around the house anymore, poor Chris has had to pick up the slack. We did finally get a rocker/glider for the nursery. I love it already. I sometimes grab my coffee and book before work and snag a little "me" time. If you haven't read "Where'd You Go, Bernadette" by Maria Semple, I suggest you do. I know talking about books isn't what this blog is all about, that's for the other blog (with the girls - Arianna and Marsha - and we have all agreed we want to get back into it) Shameless plug, but if you are interested in some good recommendations, we've reviewed over 400 books and they are searchable by name and rating. Anyways, back to the book I'm reading... it's our next book club pick and I'm enjoying how funny and light it is. What else? I have ...

Weeks 31 & 32 - Tired all the time!

Okay, little Missy is growing... clearly. She is sucking the life from me because I am TIRED ALL THE TIME! What happened to that energy I had just a few weeks ago? I want the 2nd trimester back! I could be pregnant forever if I felt like I did back then... so much energy. I think it's a cruel joke that nature is playing... giving me this burst of energy for months and then taking it away. I know Zoey is growing because at my last check-up they had her measuring a few days ahead and approx. 4 lbs at 32 weeks. I know not to take the estimates to heart because they are almost always wrong (from what I've read) but it's a relief knowing she's in the 58th percentile. My diet has been doing it's thing and she isn't a huge baby (giant sigh of relief). I'd like to say I'm ready for her. I can't say that I am. I've started freaking out a little about how I am going to manage everything. The company I work for is very small and there is no protection (...

Week 30 - Are we there yet?

Whew, baby... literally. I am growing, or rather I should say Zoey is growing. My stomach has doubled, she is kicking and moving like a champ in there... sometimes a bit much when she punches "down there". I am having more back pain, trouble bending down to put on sneakers, getting out of bed is a chore (and I'm doing this QUITE often - with the amount of bathroom trips I take every night). Overall though, I still feel pretty good but I can feel myself losing some of that extra steam I gained in the second trimester. I honestly can't believe I'm going to be meeting baby Zoey in about 9 weeks (actually 8 weeks or sooner since I am writing this on Friday - the start of week 31). As you can see below, I am huge and I'm not loving this double chin, but knowing I have only gained 7 lbs total at 30 weeks... makes me feel a little better about bouncing back after she is born. This past week I have completed washing, drying, hanging/folding all the clothes ...