Less than 5 weeks to go. I don't have much of an update other than complaining about aches and pains... Which nobody wants to hear about. So, instead I'll share with you a story that only a pregnant woman could truly understand but pretty much anyone could laugh at. Feel free to laugh away, I did and every time I think back on this little episode, it makes me giggle. I was reading a book in Zoey's room on the rocker, drinking my coffee... All of a sudden the coffee goes down the wrong pipe and I end up spewing coffee everywhere and then pee myself because... You know, I'm choking. 😫😓😱 In the other room, Chris was cooking breakfast in the kitchen and kind of stuck (not wanting to burn the breakfast or our apartment down) and couldn't come help me. BUT here's the kicker... To top it all off... While I'm cleaning the glider/rocker (quickly) so the coffee doesn't stain (still sitting in my own piss), LINUS of all dogs decided to shit in the room up ...