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Showing posts from July, 2019

17 Weeks - Please welcome...

Please welcome... Zoey Kathleen Rojek! Yes, it's a girl!!! My gut feeling was correct. Everyone is thrilled. We did a wonderful dinner at Chima with the Rojek family. The lovely, babcia (she requests this as her nickname for her great grandbaby) is down here to stay! My mother-in -law picked out Grandma for her nickname. Me? Just call me Mom. Wow, that's so strange to say. I'll have to get used to that one. Grandma (MIL Christine) set up a wonderful reveal with a box and a balloon and a cute little poem to say: Our Little Miracle Precious baby Tiny Treasure  You bring to us Joy beyond measure.  We stroke your cheek, Feel your face And pull you into A loving embrace. You laugh outloud And giggle a while You bring to our faces Grins and Smiles. You shed a tear We wipe it away And thank Jesus for you Every day. What a blessing You have been You changed our life And made it begin. It was so sweet and reading it over...

16 Weeks - Lil' Avacado

I've nearly missed my 16 week update! Things are starting to fly by. The answer is... Yes, I know the sex of the baby BUT.... No, I can't share just yet! The Rojek family is having a nice dinner out at "Chima" (all you can eat Brazilian meat place, yum!). This is to celebrate 🎉 Chris' Grandma Vicky coming down to LIVE here. So exciting! OH, and we will be doing a little gender reveal at dinner (which we will film or do pictures and I'll post something on here). Can I just tell you how excited I am that she's moving down here?! Now I'll have a crafting buddy and more family to surround us! Now I have to work on some from my side of the family, haha. I doubt anyone would make the jump, but it can't hurt to try! Oh, I forgot to mention, the NIPT came back negative and .01% for any of the markers. Baby is healthy! I started the insulin at night for my fasting numbers and it really isn't so bad. The shot is painless (especially compared to ...

15 Weeks!

I don't have too much to update this week. I got the NIPT test results back and everything was negative. I also know if the baby is a girl or a boy but I can't share that just yet! My mother-in-law knows but we are planning a little "reveal" for Chris, his father, brothers and his Grandmother on the 28th. In the meantime, I have to keep this secret... Ugh!!!! It'll be worth it though. I started insulin at night for my fasting numbers. So far it's helped a bit but I need to tweak the amount until I get the number under 85. I'm just happy I don't have to be paranoid that my high fasting numbers are effecting the baby negatively. Baby has been so quiet, no nausea and hardly any symptoms but the headaches. I'm antsy to get another ultrasound or feel the baby kick. I guess this is the longest waiting period during the pregnancy due to the lack of signs of life inside you. I'm sure everything is just fine but I'd still like a little conf...

14 Weeks!

I know I said I'd more than likely have that fun boy/girl news... Didn't happen. Still waiting... Such torture. I want to know! Then I can talk to you (lil Bug) with your name.... That'll be nice. I guess this week marks the official second trimester, whoop whoop. 🤰 I'm eating healthier, my fasting numbers haven't been great which means I'll probably end up on insulin at night. I have an appointment with the doctor for this on Wednesday. I feel great though. Haven't gained any weight yet, but it's probably due to the fact that I'm being more active and healthy. I have had quite a few headaches lately, nothing crazy. I am dying to feel you in there... I can't wait to start feeling those flutters everyone talks about... The pop, pop, bubbles. Should be soon according to Google. Not much else going on this week other than getting to visit with Aunt Dawn, Uncle Mike and Brie while they were visiting. That was exciting. I'm missi...