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Showing posts from June, 2019

13 Weeks! 🤗

Yikes, it's been a quick week. At the start, I felt everything was moving as slow as molasses but not this past week.... Which has flown by for some reason. Things happening: 1. Saw the Gestational Diabetes nurse, I had a higher than normal A1C in my blood work so the OBGYN referred me to this clinic to start monitoring my blood glucose numbers. I got quite an earful on how I should be changing my eating habits and checking my levels (finger pricking) 4x a day. Fun, fun! I went grocery shopping and it cost me double what I normally pay (and less things Chris will even eat) which was a bummer. Hopefully I can manage to maintain it so they don't have to put me on insulin. Sometimes, even if you do your best, it's inevitable and the placenta and hormones cause so many issues, it's needed no matter how healthy you are eating. 2. No more Nausea! 3. My Marsha Bear had her little girl ❤️ and I can't wait to meet her in person. 4. OBGYN lost my blood wo...

12 Weeks!

I'm back and this time with a very exciting update. We went to the OBGYN yesterday and had an ultrasound done to measure the neck of the baby to detect Down Syndrome markers. Baby Rojek is in the clear! Lil Bug was moving around, putting their little hands on the face and really looks like a baby now. We both got a little emotional seeing that. Sometimes at 12 weeks you can tell gender from the Ultrasound but our tech didn't give us a clue. After, I checked in the forums and quite a few agreed that the "nub" was angled straight and without the curve, so the guess is a girl. Another thing we did was the NIPT (non-invasive prenatal test). "The NIPT test checks for the most common fetal  chromosome  anomalies:  trisomy  21 ( Down syndrome ),  trisomy  18 (Edwards syndrome) and  trisomy  13 ( Patau syndrome ). Also the gender of the fetus can be determined." I'm all positivity that this will come back good. We will know in 10 days, although...

11 Weeks!!

Okay, I've been sooo bad with posting. Partly because I have to do this on my phone, and I HATE having to type out long entries this way. I finally gave up and downloaded the Blogger app because I really want this account to be something to share and look back upon. So.... What's been going on?! Well, everything is progressing well. I've been off and on nauseous, boobs are huge and sore, my sense of smell is amazing and I hate the smell of fried 🐔 chicken. No huge cravings but my blood test showed a high level that put me on alert for possibly developing Gestational Diabetes. This means changing things up with my diet... Yay. Avoiding lots of carbs and sugar mostly. Another thing... Because of the prior DVT clot, they have me on Lovenox to thin my blood. It's a fun shot I take every night that burns. My wonderful husband gives it to me. It's annoying but I know it's the best for both the baby and I. Oh, Chris made me amaizing little candles from my Oui Yo...