So... this is feeling real now. It's still VERY early and I haven't even had my first ultrasound yet... but I feel very pregnant. My chest is killing me, I can't wear a bra around the house because it's too much. I have some nausea (no vomiting, thankfully) and some aversion to smells - today my husband made this "Chicken Pot Pie" soup and it smelled SOOOO bad, like cat food. I have to hand it to Chris though, he's being so good about making sure I am comfortable and doing things around the house. I can't imagine doing this without him. He finally let me tell his mother, I've been dying to for awhile now... but he's so hesitant because of what happened last time. I definitely understand that. I'm reluctant myself. I've only told Ari, Marsha and now my Mother-in-Law. It's hard because the more people you tell, if something goes wrong... it was hard last time to have to let people know. It's better to wait and be 100% tha...