So much has happened. I'm a slacker but I have good reason! Taking care of a newborn is no joke! Zoey is honestly a very good baby... sleeps and doesn't cry much... until 4 weeks hit and she found her voice! :) We are now in week 4 going on 5 and she's much fussier but still CUTE as ever. She got back to birth weight pretty darn quick. She's had a stuffy nose for quite awhile now. She's had her first professional photos taken by JC Penney portrait studio. She is now lifting her head up during tummy time and can follow objects and sounds by turning her head. She loves to make cute grunting noises all the time, especially when burping her. She has a cute little fro that stands up even more after having a bath. Here is the link to all the photos and videos I've taken of her - this link will also be updated with future photos and videos. I've attached a few of my favorites from this past month below: ...