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Showing posts from April, 2019

I'm pregnant....

I found out yesterday, I'm pregnant? I put that as a question because I've been through this before. We got pregnant a little less than a year ago. I have reminders from when i had an amazon registry and my old pregnancy app. Sometimes e-mails come through and give a little sting - today I got one saying our baby would be 7 weeks old today. The pregnancy was ectopic and I had to have surgery on my left tube to remove it. My tube, thankfully, was kept intact. However, this is why I am such a nervous nelly right now. The chances of having another ectopic go up when you've already had one. I know I shouldn't just be negative right off the bat, but it's hard not to remember and not want to get excited too early on. My test was also a faint line yesterday, today is slightly darker but still not as solid as I would like it to be. Calculating days, i would only be 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant, so maybe a faint positive is just normal that early on? Anyways, I am trying ...